This module uses WebRTC and requires Google Chrome browser to operate smoothly. Other browsers currently are not supported.
The asterisk_plus_phone
module is a WebRTC SIP phone for Odoo.
The phone icon is visible only if Phone is properly setup and user has a WebRTC channel configured. Otherwise the phone icon is not visible. Read below on how to configure it.
System Settings
You should configure your Asterisk PBX SIP URI, WebSocket address, STUN server.
In the above example default SIP and built-in HTTPS server ports are changed, the default values are:
SIP: 5060
HTTPS: 8089
See your Asterisk configuration for your settings.
Other options
Transfer contact search: when transfer button is clicked it's possible to search in all contacts, in PBX users or both (all).
Attended Transfer Sequence: This sequence is used to initiate the attended transfer using DTMF and must have the same value as set in your Asterisk PBX
.Disconnect Call Sequence: This sequence is used to disconnect the call during a transfer attempt and must have the same value as set in your Asterisk PBX
Enable SIP users provisioning
Enable Generate SIP peers
option in order to be able to specify SIP account password in user channels. You can automatically deliver SIP accounts to your Asterisk or create them manually in Odoo and in PBX.
User settings
Phone is automatically setup when the logged in user has a PBX User mapping with a channel of WebRTC type. After you create such a record refresh UI to load it and activate the phone icon.
Do not forget to set the Auto Answer Header (for better UX) to Answer-Mode: Auto.
Asterisk configuration for Odoo SIP users
It's possible to configure Asterisk so that it will load automatically SIP users from Odoo. To activate this option you have to:
Generate SIP peers
inPBX -> Settings -> Server SIP Users
execincludes = yes
inasterisk.conf [options]
section.Add #exec and #include directive to pjsip_wizard.conf to fetch SIP peers and include them as show below.
#exec /etc/asterisk/
#tryinclude sip_odoo_auto_users.conf
curl -H "x-security-token: put-server-security-token-here" http://localhost:8069/asterisk_plus/sip_peers > /tmp/sip_users.conf 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then mv /tmp/sip_users.conf /etc/asterisk/sip_odoo_auto_users.conf ; fi
sleep 1