First of all, OdooPBX consists of various Odoo modules that provide its functionality. Let's list some of them:
Asterisk Plus (main application)
Asterisk Plus Admin
Asterisk Plus CRM
Asterisk Plus Helpdesk
Asterisk Plus Sale
Asterisk Plus HR
Asterisk Plus Project
Asterisk Plus Account
Asterisk Plus Call Group
Asterisk Plus Multicompany
Asterisk Plus Yeastar
and more...
Here is the list of module features - https://odoopbx.com/apps.
We constantly work on new integration modules and we are open to extend and make better existing ones. Feel free to contact us and submit your request!
The Agent is a middleware service that is used to connect Odoo and Asterisk together in a special way. The Agent performs the following functions:
Forwards Asterisk AMI events to Odoo according to the downloaded events map.
Executes Asterisk AMI actions received from Odoo.
Provides FastAGI interface to execute PBX dialplan from Odoo methods.
Protects Asterisk from DDoS and password bruteforce attacks (optionally).
Provides a backend part for a WEB based Asterisk CLI (optionally).
Agent is a transparent bridge between Odoo and Asterisk that allows you to manage PBX logic from models and methods written in Python. Thus, 99% of the phone application is written on the Odoo side.
The agent is usually (but not necessarily) installed on the server where Asterisk is installed.
Asterisk - ... is Asterisk. The most widespread PBX in the world, providing unlimited telephone capabilities. Our product integrates with virtually any Asterisk system without overlapping or affecting your existing Asterisk management system, so OdooPBX can co-exist with what you already have.